Are new learning technologies making us better educators?
It is week 4 now of Semester 1 of 2018 at USP and I am behind on everything related to learning and teaching, including my own learning in ED403. Why? A major contributing factor has been the failure of the technologies of the learning environments that I work and learn in. Or perhaps more appropriately, it has been that the structural resources needed to make the technologies work have not been working (connection, servers, equipment). I have been scrambling in my classes to communicate with my students since the two major ways of communicating with students in online courses are moodle and e-mail and both have been disrupted regularly. What I have been impressed by is the persistence of students despite the challenges in contributing their discussions, submitting their assignments, and engaging with the course material. They have been problem-solving to continue their work. And perhaps this is an unintended benefit of technology enable learning...