Equity issues in e-learning trends in higher educations
So in session 3 of ED403, we were looking at e-learning trends in higher education, including things like BYOD, augmented and virtual reality, learning analytics and e-assessments. These are important and fascinating developments, which will impact on not only formal education processes, but also human learning more broadly. The sociologist and educator in me are in particular interested in the way these new innovations reproduce and challenge existing inequalities of access and outcome, and how we can reduce the former and enhance the latter. This is what I would like to reflect on further in this post. A shared equity issue with all of these new innovations is that of access to equipment and data that is affordable, and speed of internet access. This is obviously a major issue. Universities and governments need to address this at the level of investing in the required infrastructure and equipment. USP's programme of giving tablets to first-year s...